
Strange last replication date on replicator page

Tags: Lotus Notes 8.0.2 Basic Client

I just noticed something I had not seen before while creating a new local replica of my mailfile using the 8.0.2 Basic Client

A picture named M2

I know I've been around Lotus Notes for a while, but not *that* long.


R8.0.2 is available on PWSW/PA

Tags: Lotus Notes Lotus Domino 8.0.2 Bug

I just downloaded the full eclipse/standard 8.0.2 client and upgraded my main client.

The upgrade itself went ok (complaining only about an open instance of FireFox), but after launching the full client I noticed that I can no longer connect to my company's SameTime server.

(I have no problem connecting to the Bleed Yellow ST server so it's probably a setting on the server that's bugging me).

Update: The client does appear to be a lot faster than the 8.0.1
keep up the good work

One thing is still not fixed: