
Oracle looking forward to competing with IBM in the hardware market

Tags: Oracle Sun IBM



IBM Lotus Domino support forums not available for browser access

Tags: IBM Lotus Domino Support Notes.Net

I tried accessing the domino forums from the web using the all too familiar www.notes.net url - which returned an error.

ok, perhaps they're phasing out this domain, let's try www.ibm.com/support

I select Lotus and Lotus Domino, click on the Forums and Communities link which takes me to this page:

A picture named M2

Clicking any of the the Notes/Domino x discussion forum links returns this:

A picture named M3

Guys, I know it's holiday season but some people still have work to do, how hard is it to keep servers up and running?
You guys are aware of the cluster capabilities in your software? Why not use it

Same goes for sites like PWSW.

The track record for availability is not great advertisements for the product's high availability features.

Update 06-08-2009:
It's borked yet again.
Haven't been able to access PWSW's software access catalog all day either and that's a resource business partners pay good money for.
Coworker just send me this link (http://www.lotus.com/ldd/r5fixlist.nsf ) that also takes me to the apology page.

Looks like the Lotus product pages have all wondered off on vacation or something.


I hate the PartnerWorld for SoftWare site

Tags: IBM PWSW PartnerWorld

I know I shouldn't be accessing PWSW anyway since I'm on vacation, but I did anyway which lead to the following fun experience.

I went to http://www.ibm.com/partnerworld and when I click on the Member sign in link, I enter my IBM id and password and I get this:

A picture named M2

So I select my usual location which is in the neverlands, eventhough I know I've accessed PWSW on this laptop (and selected my location) before, and click on Go and guess what? Nothing happens.. nothing. (I'm using FireFox 3.0.4)

I then click on the IBM Partnerworld link that's at the top of the page and I do get the expected PWSW content.
So far so good.

Next I click the Downloads and CDs link
Next I click on the IBM Software Access Catalog link
I then scroll to the bottom of the page to click the I agree link for the gazillionth time
Next I click the Electronic Software Download link
Next I click the Find by search text link since that generally gives the best chance of actually finding what you're looking for

Anyway, I searched around for what I was looking for, downloaded something and at some point I clicked on the Change search text criteria link and I got redirected away from the PWSW software catalog to http://www.ibm.com/technologyservices/us/en

Clicking back in my browser gave me the prompt about resending information to the site which I acknowledged

A picture named M3

After this I got redirected to the same page once more.
I then entered the initial url again (http://www.ibm.com/partnerworld) and ended up at the same point at the start with the location selector that doesn't work.

Anyway apart from today's hickups, why does this whole process have to be so complex and lengthy?
It's pretty much impossible to get to the find by search text page under a minute - I find it annoying as hell.


Quickplace 7 Error

Tags: Lotus IBM Quickplace

Just came across this beauty when I tried to create a placetype from a quickplace.
A picture named M2
Quickplace server: Domino R7.0.2FP2, QP7.0 on Windows.


QuickR released on June 29

Tags: Lotus IBM QuickR

IBM Lotus QuickR, the successor to QuickPlace is scheduled for release on June 29, according to IdoNotes


IBM's Management Games

Tags: IBM Management

Check out this Business Week article:

No fooling around: Big Blue is promoting a video game that could change the way companies develop leaders and manage projects