
Damn yourself to hell and...

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Get a free DVD at www.blasphemychallenge.com/


Get a taser to suite your outfit

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Tasers have moved into the consumer market with different colors, no longer just the boring black/gray.


How secure are dutch voting computers?

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According to the dutch action committee 'wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet' (we do not trust voting computers) they are far from secure.

You can check out their findings here


Moped vs BMW

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Got a call from my wife today telling me she just was in a car accident.

As she was turning left, a woman on a moped crashed into the car.

Luckcily she wasn't hurt, only some damage to the car, which I hope the insewerance will cover. (Close up of the damage at the bottom)

When my wife checked on the woman to see if she was hurt, she said that she was fine, and that she didn't have to call for emergency services.
As my wife called the police to come over to make an accident report for the insurance, the lady picked up her moped and took off, the witnesses who saw the accident also took off once they learned that my wife was calling the police...

Unfortunately she only got a partial of the license plate.

What's even more 'fun', is the fact that a couple of years ago our government in their infinite wisdom decided that it was time to reward byciclists and moped drivers for their total disregard of even the most basic traffic laws, by making the driver of a car always liable for the damages in case of an accident with a bicycle/moped. Unless you can proof that they pretty much threw themselves in front of your car on purpose.


Move over Cassanova

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According to this article , nerds make far better lovers....


ROSA PARKS 1913 - 2005 ...

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Got these from my father in law:


To be or not to be ...

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Scholars question William Shakespeare's authorship : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/4312110.stm  


So far so good

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Picked up the missus from the hospital today. She's doing ok, still in a bit of pain though.  

They went in for her galblatter, but ended up taking out her appendix as well



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Rotated some of the photo's


No more showing up for work late ...

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Picked up my wife from the airport today after spending a week in sweden on a company sponsored trip to FulufjÀllet National Park Sweden. I really should set 2+ alarms when my wife's not around (preferably on opposite ends of the bedroom out of arms reach.