Lotus Domino 8.5.1 partnerworld pwsw
Just noticed the gold version is available
on PWSW, so I started downloading rightaway and atm I'm actually getting
a decent download speed (I'm maxing out my ADSL )
IBM PWSW PartnerWorld
I know I shouldn't be accessing PWSW
anyway since I'm on vacation, but I did anyway which lead to the following
fun experience.
I went to http://www.ibm.com/partnerworld
and when I click on the Member sign in link, I enter my IBM id and
password and I get this:
So I select my usual location which
is in the neverlands, eventhough I know I've accessed PWSW on this laptop
(and selected my location) before, and click on Go and guess what?
Nothing happens.. nothing. (I'm using FireFox 3.0.4)
I then click on the IBM Partnerworld
link that's at the top of the page and I do get the expected PWSW content.
So far so good.
Next I click the Downloads and CDs
Next I click on the IBM Software
Access Catalog link
I then scroll to the bottom of the page
to click the I agree link for the gazillionth time
Next I click the Electronic Software
Download link
Next I click the Find by search text
link since that generally gives the best chance of actually finding what
you're looking for
Anyway, I searched around for what I
was looking for, downloaded something and at some point I clicked on the
Change search text criteria link and I got redirected away from
the PWSW software catalog to http://www.ibm.com/technologyservices/us/en
Clicking back in my browser gave me
the prompt about resending information to the site which I acknowledged
After this I got redirected to the same
page once more.
I then entered the initial url again
and ended up at the same point at the start with the location selector
that doesn't work.
Anyway apart from today's hickups, why
does this whole process have to be so complex and lengthy?
It's pretty much impossible to get to
the find by search text page under a minute - I find it annoying as hell.