R8.0 woes
Last week I decided it was time for me to finally upgrade my main client over from 7.0.3 to R8.0
I promptly got hit by a number of 'features' of this initial release
Perhaps I should've listened to my wife who's got a deep rooted aversion to first releases.
- first of course was the disappearance of the Universal toolbar (eventhough it was customised),
- the fact that toolbars keep moving around in the toolbar at every start of the client
- mangled universal toolbar (like reported by Charles Robinson).
- Productivity tools fail to load (takes about a minute to even come up with the 'Unable to create view' error message).
- One moment automagic syncing of contacts between my personal address book and mail file is enabled, next time I start the client it's there but marked as disabled without a checkbox to enable it again.
- Integrated Sametime client opens a popup asking the user to set the geographic location, but when the user clicks on the button the preferences dialog that opens does not contain an option to set the location.
- When in addition to the R8 client you also have another client running (7.0.3 in my case), clicking the bookmarks for justabout everything from mailbox to designer client ends up opening in the other client - I know it's not supported but this has worked well <8.0 for years and it's annoying as hell.
- Home link in bookmark bar dissappears at start of the Notes client (and re-appears after re-start of the client
- Having to unlock more than once if automagic client lock has kicked in and a dialog box is open, like an alarm. (my personal record is about 11 times before the client actually could be used again).
- The client keeps switching back to 'Textured Workspace' on restart.
07-11-2007: Added 6 & 7,
16-11-2007: Added 8 & 9.
22-11-2007: Added 10.